Dear Fullmer Family,
How is everyone doing this hot summer day? I've heard it's been really hot in Utah and it's also been very hot in Florida! The fun has "only just begun..." Not really looking forward to this summer on the weather aspect. Every single complex that we knock has the most beautiful swimming pool without anyone swimming in it. They're always tempting but I think that's another reason why we have companions because I would probably jump in them! Haha. I hope you're all staying cool, and if could do me a favor, go jump in a pool for me :)
Yesterday was a great day! We were able to have two wonderful meals. The first one was right after church with the ***** family, aka Momma *****. The family is really cool, and very musical at that. Funny story, so yesterday morning I played the piano for another missionary in the ward that meets before us where President and Sister Anderson were speaking. It went really well and I thought I was done for musical numbers for the day... I thought wrong. So about five minutes before our meeting started, the ***** sisters (about 16 and 18 years old) came up to us and said, "we need your help!" Apparently they had a musical number given to them last minute and asked if we could help them. First off they asked if I could play the "EFY medley" on the piano, I said I probably couldn't. It has like three key changes and I can't sight read very well, so then they asked if we could sing it. We sang it in church with them and I have to say it turned out pretty well! We're going to be singing next week in church as well.
Well this week we're expecting an investigator to be baptized. We had an incredible Family Home Evening with them last Monday where we watched the Restoration at a member's home, (he's the WML). They immediately knew he was a prophet. She's super prepared and we're excited for Saturday. Her husband should be following her shortly. The recent convert is doing fantastic! He's been having a lot of trials with his family and work but he's not losing faith. We know he's going to be a great leader someday so that's why he's having trials so he can grow into the person the Lord wants him to be. He's getting there! :)
That's about all that I've got for now. I love you lots and I know the Lord loves you! Happy Father's Day this Sunday Dad! Too bad that we can't call you but I will be sending you a card. Sorry I never got around to sending you your birthday card ( I actually didn't buy one...) but we can pretend that they're together... (I bought the Father's Day one... it's pretty good :))
Here's a scripture that I really like... It's in Omni 1:26, "And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved." I love you all!!
-Elder David B. Fullmer
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